Our Projects

K4JC - Kids for Jesus Christ
K4JC (Kids for Jesus Christ) is a Spiritual Initiative of Sunday School Department. It fosters the spiritual empowerment of children and evangelization through Sunday school. State Students Camp, Children’s Club, V.B.S and Nanma Magazines are the major activities of K4JC.

Sunday School Day
The Second Sunday of the month of August is observed as the 'Sunday school Day'. Sunday school students conduct various programmes on this day. Public Rallies and Open Air meetings can be arranged during this day. The 'Sunday school Day' aims to inform the Church and parents about the significance of Sunday school. A teacher or Student can give a short message about the relevance of Sunday school. All Churches are requested to take a special offering on 'Sunday School Day' for supporting the activities of State Sunday School.

Sunday School Syllabus
An excellent curriculum is vital for any effective learning in the educational process. By God’s immense grace we have a comprehensive Christian education syllabus that beats international standards. Our curriculum incorporated Pentecostal theology and hermeneutical principles of the Word of God which has already been accepted by the Pentecostal community. It is a matter of joy for us to realize the fact that our syllabus is widely accepted by many denominations, including the mainstream Pentecostal churches and independent associations across the country and abroad. The textbooks which we published for Preschool to Six have ​​been designed in such a way that children can also learn the lessons through activities. The textbooks in the younger classes are prepared within the framework of Bible stories and events in a systematic way, at the same time textbooks in the higher classes are prepared with theological, topical, and practical Christian life emphasis on focus. We have textbooks in English and Malayalam for all classes from Preschool to twelth.

Scholarship and Award

  • State Scholarship is given for financially backward students who secure good result in their studies.